• 4 years ago

Coronavirus or any air breathed virus – the cure is so easy, it is silly.

You heard the one about the DoDo birds, they followed one another over a cliff face and out of existence and that is how we are behaving with the Coronavirus – relying on specialists to tell us what we should do, instead of dealing with any virus by ourselves and in the easiest and quickest way possible –.
You think you have a virus, a sneeze, cough or sore throat:
Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water and sniff or snort the whole lot up your nose and spit out whatever comes down into your mouth.
If your head is sore afterwards, wait until the soreness goes away, before blowing out your nose.
The salt is disinfecting your head and killing off the virus which is establishing itself in your head and from where it will flow down the back of your throat into your body.
Do this salt treatment 3 times daily, or more, until you can sniff or snort the salt water solution up into your head without any sore reaction at all, when you have cleared the virus and are well again.
Try it out for yourself and when you are clear of the virus, please, please, pass my salt water solution on to whoever you can.
I don’t gain anything out of this except my desire to help who I can and there is nothing in it for me, whether you do my cure or not and how a virus deals with you or not, nor have I identified myself because I am a very private person, well meaning, nevertheless.
Finally pour some solution on a flat surface and allow to dry. This is what you have protected your inner nose with, against any virus and it kills viruses, dead.
Are you a DoDo bird or not?

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