• 4 years ago

To: We don’t know if god is real or for that matter if he is even the good guy. Think about it. We only have one book.
Me: You can believe whatever you like and I’m good with that, but:-
The Bible was written 600 years after Jesus was supposed to have lived, by the Greeks and anything written by man and humans in general has to be suspect and “beware Greeks bearing gifts”, was a saying we used a lot back then.
But let’s suppose that in 600 years time, someone decided to write about your life now, bearing in mind that in 600 years time, nobody would have a clue what you looked like, or what you did in your life now and that book (which we will call the Elbib) idolized you and generations of people worshipped you, for 2019 years after you had been born and lived and died, as their true son of your Dad (God) and their connection to your Dad and that God makes absolute sense to you and you accept that unquestioningly.
However, science has determined we cannot live, unless and until, a man fucks a woman (or any animal on this plannet needs a male female connection to procreate) and out of the billion live sperm he injects into the females v*****, only one will make it to the females egg, at precisely the right time to fertilize it and produce, let’s say for example, you.
Once you are born, you can’t die and come back again, in precisely the same way, because it’s a billion to 1 that your sperm would fertilize her egg again and it would be you, always assuming that years have passed, your parents don’t have s** any more, or bear kids, for a variety of reasons and in all probability, they will have passed away, before you die and thus your second conception could never occur…..but your bible says that you will be reborn and come back again, after your parents have died before you and you have died afterwards – but how – hang on, sorry, I’ve got it, you are the son of Dad (God) and billions of people have worshipped you for thousands of years based on the Elbib and this is your second coming, although since you and everyone you knew died thousands of years ago, no strain of you still exists 2019 years forwards from now and how technologically advanced humans will be then, with technology developing as quickly as it has.
When I was born in 1947 most aircraft were prop driven, a computer took up the size of a large house and jets were still a new invention, passing through the sound barrier was believed to be impossible and going into space was what Flash Gordon did on his Hollywood space ship which I used to watch on my parents black and white TV.
This was before the Korean War 1950 – 1953.
My dad was in the RAF and every month or so, during my early teen years, the early warning sirens would go off and he would run away to his secure bunker on the base somewhere, while my mum and me waited for the Russian Intercontinental Ballistic Missles to arrive 12 minutes later – we would go outside to dee if we could see the rockets coming – and I’m still waiting, as each siren, was just another practice run.
How things have changed in only 73 years, where prior to 1947, time passed exceedingly slowly in innovations and progress….as has our belief in religion and the good book to which you refer and the people who prosper from it and its teachings, when women walked behind their husband who rode the donkey, bearing in mind that Jesus was a Jew, born to a Jewess, his mother, which made him a Jew, not any other religion.
Best Wishes……………

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