• 5 years ago

To: I was always considered the ‘smart’ one in my family. Me: Some kids get acne, it happens when they start to mature from a kid into being an adult and it will go away with time, however there are treatments you can get from your local chemist to treat it and it is really no big deal and your parents were wrong to treat you, as they did.
Being smart is all very well, but as you are the oldest child in your family, it was only a matter of time before they idolized the youngest and last born of you kids, because that’s how it always is and the older kids get left out of things generally.
You are your own person and you must do whatever it takes and yes, I understand that – but school is only for a short time in your life, although it probably seems forever right now and once you graduate and move on as an adult, what your parents think of you really won’t matter and once you are out of their care and living your life as an adult, that will be all that matters. Good Luck and best wishes – be proud of who you are and what you become and have a great life….

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