• 6 years ago

i want to become a different person. i want to become someone who i know i’ll love to be. i want to change my name, i want a nose job, a chin augmentation, and i wish my hair was naturally darker. all of these are possible, maybe not the most naturalist but i don’t care anymore, i’m done with feeling envious and comparing myself to other all the time.

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  • I do the same. But instead I chose to embrace those parts in myself, for example I hate my boobs so I exercised and got most of the fat off, then I chose a fitting bra and a shirt. Also treat yourself. You may need therapy or a chance to just be by yourself and recharge. Take yourself shopping, do a hobby you love, and maybe even take photos of things you love. Everyone wants to change to be a better person, but the fact is, we all have flaws that we hate. But most people find those flaws beautiful, and that’s what makes you, you. Don’t try and be someone else. BE YOURSELF but STILL BE HAPPY with yourself. We all have to learn this is life, to love ourselves. And I’m sure you can to. It also can change with age. If you’re 5 you probably don’t care about your looks, but as you become a teenager and see other people or girls in magazines and influences that you want to become. Your parents and or people you grew up with, teaching you morals is what will shape you. And you may have been put into a public school where bullying most likely happens. But just remember, there is always someone worse than you, and there is always someone better than you. But those two people are the same as well. There is never the most beautiful person in the world or the most ugly person in the world. Also beauty isn’t always defined by looks, beauty in intelligence, charm, looks, personality, jokes, fashion .. etc. There’s so many types of beauty. I’m not going to stop you from getting surgery, but just reconsider. Look at yourself and look at what DOES make you beautiful. Look at what you love and express it, embrace it. Don’t hide it or ruin it with a knife. Some people who get plastic surgery end up distorted because they expected it would work out. Look at some famous people who’ve done it. Micheal Jackson for example, he got a nose job and look at his pictures to what happened to him. Look at everything and think positive. And think of your mother, she brought you here into nature. Be glad you were made. You already are beautiful and a winner, you were the first to win a race on life. Have a good day, a good week, and just a good life in general.

    Anonymous June 2, 2018 1:17 am Reply

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