• 6 years ago

I don’t understand what’s happening, I am a 13 year old girl and last week I felt s***** desires for the first time. It was so weird and I feel gross for ever feeling that. Thinking about it now, I don’t feel like that at all. I know that there is nothing wrong with me but some of my friends watch p*** and they got addicted. I don’t wanna end up like them. I’ve never felt like this before and I’m confused

All Comments

  • Hey dear tell me why you are confused?

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 4:50 am Reply
    • my parents never talk about this stuff and I don’t have anyone to ask and I’ve never felt like that before

      Anonymous June 1, 2018 1:26 am Reply
  • Trust me, you’ll never act that way, as long as you keep away from it.
    If you’re feeling sexual, it’s called hormones. As you get older they’ll increase, but since girls mature faster than boys do, that’s probably the reason so many get rejected.
    While most boys will be very horny and wanting to get with a girl.
    I’m 14, going on 15 and going into high school. I’m going into a public school next year.
    Fact is, I don’t want to date. Because I feel like it will wreck my work. But you’re probably in middle school still, so enjoy it and relax.
    Once you get into high school, my advice I know is, study hard, and get good grades for the first two years, the next you can kick a little back and relax on. Since you’ll have to choose what path you want to go on in life.
    Careers, and such.
    So just relax, but if you drop out of school, it’s probably easier, but probably not the best way for some people.
    Many jobs require you to have knowledge in their “Activites” and such.
    So if you wanted to do mechanical, building, fixing sort stuff. You can’t just walk in and expect them to accept you.
    If you have a diploma, or you’ve studied in college, or a small college that teaches certain things, you usually get that on your record or whatever and get a paper. So if you walk in somewhere, you can show them you know what the hell you’re doing.

    Oooooor another route is joining the military and then you pretty much could get any job you wanted without paying. But it’s kinda 50/50 chance I guess you might get out alive.

    Sorry for rambling I just reallllly like typing my thoughts and stuff.

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 4:57 am Reply
    • ^forgot to add something with the school /dating thing. You should probably (not ordering you, but just a suggestion) not date in high school, maybe in college, or in adult years. Because dating now will distract you from your work, make you feel down, waste time, and can even cause drama. focus on your work and what makes you feel happy. And don’t get too into your work either, take your time to relax and do activities you enjoy. Don’t get yourself worked up and all stressed out.

      Anonymous May 31, 2018 5:02 am Reply
  • Fake

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 5:50 am Reply
    • Second person who commented and well third if you count the add on … but what you just posted is just rude. don’t say that to someone who’s probably going through shit.
      I bet if someone said they were going to commit suicide you’d be the person to say “do it faker” or “attention whore” your kind is rude.
      You don’t even look at the context of things, you just assume.

      Anonymous May 31, 2018 7:08 am Reply

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