• 6 years ago

Today, some of my classmates went to the guidance because a guy from the other section broke into a teacher’s classroom and took photos of test answers and sent them to my classmates. They memorized it, because they were afraid to fail the test (it’s our finals today). I asked one of my mates to send the photo to me. I wanted it to be a remembrance but I got tempted and memorized some of the answers. I’m a forgetful person so I forgot the answers during the test and some of my mates told me that the answers sent to them weren’t all correct. A teacher found out about the cheating and called everyone included to the guidance. A mate told the teacher that I was involved, but I denied. They opened my gallery and found no proof of my involvement. Everybody was thinking how, they thought I deleted it before they checked my phone. But the truth is, I saved the photo on my notepad, hid the app, and deleted the original photo. They all got first offense (warning) while I sit there pretending to be innocent. I feel like a traitor

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