• 7 years ago

I hate my brother with Aspergers. I don’t know why. Things get on my nerves and no one seems to understand. He’s socially awkward. I cringe when we’re in public and he says something awkward. I hate it. I hate it because then im stared at because of him. He’s also a lot les disciplined than me. I do one thing, and he does the same, and I get in trouble. He looks down on me. He thinks because its shown that people who have Aspergers are more intelligent that he can control me.
One time, we were downtown and since its a small town, I knew it well. I’m down there everyday because I’m trying to apply for a job, and he’s been down only a small amount. He told me where to go and what he thought was sketchy. I already knew where so i kept going my way. He got mad and raised his fists to punch me. I punched him back. He does that so much at one point I had bruises that were almost black on my arms. He’s such a f****** prick and I can’t stop hating him. I don’t want him to die, but I don’t want to be forced to like him.

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