• 3 years ago

You deleted your posts after I called you out? You do know that’s the worst way possible to get me to stop right? You’re just giving me what I want. Do you like the abuse or something? Nah, you probably feel like you deserve it some fucked up s***. You probably blame yourself for what happened to me in some small way dont you? That tickles me. I love making you miserable. That’s what you get for being a snitch. EVERY TIME I TRY TO DO THE RIGHT THING YOU PUNISH ME. Thats why your t****** are all over the internet, because you never apologised to me for all the hastle you caused me with your indignance, You punished me for trying to do the right thing so why would I do anything but f*** with you? How am I supposed to act, when doing the right thing gets me completely fucked every time, and doing the wrong thing got me 200 pictures of your naked body? You fucked up and you let it lie instead of fixing it. Thats on you. One more thing, If the one woman on this planet I still possess any amount of affection for dies before I get laid, I WILL KILL YOU, and I dont plan on putting any effort to improve myself as a person or lie to get laid, so youre probably fucked. Im just gonna sit here and spiral til I hit rock bottom then take it all out on you. Woman have never been more attracted to me than now, and it’s because I’m dangerous and I ignore them all, because Im too focused on how much I hate you, and that just MAKES THEM WANT ME MORE. WOmen are disgusting, worthless creatures. They never wanted me when I was a good, sane, affectionate, trustworth man. THEY LOVE ME now that I walk around with that darkness, recklessness, and carelessness in my eyes. Treating them right will never get you what you want, but treating them abusively just might, and YOU taught me that. No amount of dirty looks, shade, or anything you can do will get me to stop. You are only justifying my actions. You cant shame me into being a decent human being. You cant have someone else force me to be a decent person. I have nothing better to do with my time than figure out creative ways to torment you that don’t cross any lines. I will defy you to my dying breath.

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