• 4 years ago

I’m sitting here thinking about George Floyd and how messed up everything is. I want to apologize. I know there’s not much I can do, but because of how this is a system that continuously discriminates and crushes those who are in need, I am sorry. I apologize because the system can’t nor won’t apologize. I apologize because your movement is overshadowed by the selfishness of those who do not see how they are NOT the primary victims. I am sorry you fear for your lives when getting pulled over by a cop, whereas anyone else worries about getting a ticket. For a country that’s famous over its “American Dream” we sure as hell need a reminder that it doesn’t apply for anyone of color, and we need to remember that

The protests are not there for you to like. They’re there for you to realize this issue is serious, this issue requires sacrifice, and it requires a certain level of violence that is necessary in order to achieve actual results. “Violence is not the answer,” said any white person with privilege, or any other person for that matter with an advantage other people of color DID NOT have. How else do you think women got rights? They had to fight for it.

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