• 6 years ago

I’m not gonna let my life go to waste by believing in some “god” only to please my family (especially my parents). I deep down don’t truly believe in all that nonsense. I don’t believe in “souls” or the afterlife either.

Also, religion/spirituality (and children) are a huge dealbreaker for me when it comes to relationships. I have had bad experiences with religion in the past and I want nothing to do with it. I forbid it altogether.

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  • the best advice i got about the bible came from an atheist and he simply said: READ IT. i was like you, and myself in disbelief of what ive been told in church and by other christians about their god but there was the problem. i only went off of what i was being told and never actually read the bible for myself. so i simply picked up the original hebrew. i then compared the original hebrew bible to the christian version and found countless discrepancies in the christain version. several words had been changed from the originall hebrew in an attempt to manipulate people. i was blown away by how many lies i had been told by christians in their attempts to keep me in line. i would say 90% of the things i was told about god or the bible from other christians were just plain false compared to the original hebrew. i was most shocked to find that there is no such place called “hell,” in the original hebrew that these christians kept telling me my soul would go to if i didn’t obey….

    so my advice to you, simply read the original hebrew to get an understanding of who “god” really is. because after reading it, “god” became something COMPLETELY diffrent from the lovey dovey christian story I had been fed. God seemed very bloodthirsty..

    Anonymous September 22, 2018 12:46 pm Reply
    • So, just the original Hebrew bible? Are you sure about everything you said?

      Anonymous September 23, 2018 2:44 am Reply

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