• 4 years ago

All Comments

  • Intersex people definitely exist, and they’re not even that uncommon. Read a book, expand your horizons, you’re never too old to learn.

    Anonymous February 25, 2020 5:33 am Reply
    • There are only Three Genders | Change my mind!

      Anonymous February 25, 2020 5:50 am Reply
      • Male , female & Intersex !

        Anonymous February 25, 2020 5:50 am Reply
    • Intersex is like a disability, are we really going to count this?

      Anonymous February 25, 2020 6:46 am Reply
      • the population of medically recognized intersex people, people born with both male and female genitalia is roughly 1.7% of the population.
        This percentage can also be compared the the amount of people born with red hair.
        So are you saying that all people born with red hair also have a disability and that they don’t count?
        I think it is important here to note the difference between transgenderism and Intersex people.

        I would agree that being transgender or having gender dysmorphia is a mental illness and could be categorized as a disability , so does that then fall under a protected class? Maybe, but I wouldn’t know the logistics of it.

        I would have to disagree that being intersex is like having a disability and I would be much more leaning towards it being categorized as a third gender, because these people were born with both characteristics, but like mentioned earlier in this thread people who were born intersex generally have defining chromosomes

        Anonymous February 25, 2020 6:59 am Reply
        • Are you really going to compare people born with a rare type of hair colour and people born with fucked up genitals? Tell me, what is the sole purpose of any living mammal, its to mate and have offspring. As a mammal if you are born with a condition that prevents you from doing that I would label it as a disability. Ive read a story about an intersex who couldnt have periods because its vagina was sealed, so no blood could come out, thus being in excruciating pain. This does not sound like something that should occur naturaly and call it a third gender.

          Anonymous February 25, 2020 7:19 am Reply
          • It is comparable to the statistics of people with red hair because the numbers are the same. The percentage of people born with red hair is roughly 1.7%
            You can’t refute their existence just because the percentage is low or because it should not exist naturally, because it does.
            And it also does within nature, referring to Clownfish who have interchangeable reproductive organs.
            I would ask you, since you are categorizing being intersex as a disability, then are these people entitled to certain benefits from the government?
            Are these people’s lifestyles infringed upon due to the fact that they can’t reproduce?
            I would not say that reproduction is the epitome of human existence or existence in general or the lack of ability to do so makes someone disabled…
            Obviously I’ve already stated that it is an anomaly but just because that is so does not defeat the fact that they exist and are not one or the other gender, factually.
            They are their own gender, individual to themselves.

            Anonymous February 25, 2020 7:29 am
  • Ben Shaprio says that being intersex is a medical anomaly.
    Bill nye would argue that gender is a spectrum bc in nature we have examples like the Clown fish that carries both sets of reproductive organs.
    Even intersex people have specific chromosome that determine their sex even if they present with both sex organs

    Anonymous February 25, 2020 5:58 am Reply
  • Do you know what you are doing? You are using the watchmaker argument, people born with red hair have no physical impairment (i hope), but intersex people do. Just because they have similar statistics in rarity doesnt mean you can brand them both as disabilities. Im not denying their existance, but i see it as a male/female body gone bad in the forming process. Also, I dont know much about government benefits but the story in the article i read about (search “puberty as an intersex” on google, helloclue) that intersex that coudnt even get out of bed to go to school, so that intersex was physically impaired. Intersex are closer to male and female rather than a third gender.

    Anonymous February 25, 2020 8:28 am Reply
    • I agree, as I said they have defining chromosomes.
      However some could use the fact that they have both genitals as evidence to identify intersex as the third gender.
      According to the first commenter they clearly regard being intersex differently than being male or female, singularly.
      As far as puberty is concerned, to my knowledge at birth the doctor or parents have to make the decision whether or not to adjust the child towards one sex or the other.
      There are hormones and surgeries that can be utilized to correct these issues.
      If you’re the same commenter that asked if intersex counts then I would say yes based on the fact that is is naturally occurring, anomaly or not.
      That being said regardless of their defining chromosomes they still may have genitals that don’t conform to male or female.
      I know from watching a Stephen Crowder debate about gender that there was a woman who spoke about being born with internal testes that were removed after birth. She presented as a normal female and did not speak about her experience with puberty but I have to assume from her huge chest that it was a relatively normal transition for her so I don’t think that all intersex people have complications but I’m sure there are some cases.
      I would still regained intersex as another or third gender though bc it’s neither male or female they were both, literally

      Anonymous February 25, 2020 8:44 am Reply
  • Oh shit, here we go again. *grabs a bag of popcorn*

    Anonymous February 25, 2020 9:51 am Reply
    • Oh shit real original comment.. lame mf

      Anonymous February 25, 2020 9:02 pm Reply
  • if you go to Bloedestraat in Amsterdam, more than your mind will be changed


    Anonymous February 25, 2020 1:45 pm Reply

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