• 3 years ago

Life is meaningless anyway. Nothing matters live until you die.

Months same, I looking the mirror and I’m grey, but I don’t care. I have other issues to take care of while I’m alive that are more important than dreams. That’s stupid petty s***.

The sooner you realize it’s actually meaningless, there is no heaven and hell, it’s a fluke that you are even here, the better you’ll be. You have 2 choices, try to survive or kill yourself. IF you decide to kill yourself, you could have some fun first by taking the ones who did you truely wrong in life with you. Have fun with it. Don’t worry about heaven and hell, torture than to death. It’s all good.

I’m not suicidal, but if I was, you better believe I will show some people what real hell is… You better believe it. I will perform science on them.

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