• 3 years ago

If a guy is TOO short, ugly or physically disabled, there comes a point where the amount of compensation required is beyond the skills and abilities of the average person. Society as a whole is very out-of-touch with just how socially debilitating it can be. Self-improvement and dating advice can only carry you so far. Lets put it this way: The best investment I ever made was the $75,000+ I paid for plastic surgery. That alone improved my social and dating life ASTRONOMICALLY more than the previous 25 YEARS of self-improvement and dating advice! Face it, folks, that’s what we’ve become as a society. People brag about how open-minded, tolerant and understanding they are, but in reality, what is valued most is image and conformity. We talk a big show about other races, sexualities and exotic genders, but I see how fake it all is when those same people turn around and s*** on the ugly and the disabled – the last remaining groups it’s still OK to mistreat.

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