• 4 years ago

To: I have an online friend, Rain. Ive known her for a year now, and last week on discord,
Me: Frenemies: The bond between two friends seems unbreakable until lies, backstabbing, and betrayal turn a friendship into a gruesome nightmare. Friends who are at one time devoted to each other have things go horribly wrong.
Seriously though, you are 10 and you have been online with people who are much older than you, to the extent that you are too young to know any better, because you have not experienced much of life so far and are vulnerable to those others, who are older than you, who have.
Women can be very catty towards each other over the smallest of things and it can also be at those times of the month, when a period is due, or has arrived and they are having a bad time emotionally, physically and in some pain, they can’t get away from – you probably have not had your periods yet, so you won’t know how it will be with you, until you do.
My advice to you is keep a low profile for a bit. Let things blow over for 7 days or so and see how they are behaving now and if they are back to being normal, take it easy before you trust them fully again.
You should never give out your address or any way to find you, because that is your security on the internet and while you can keep them on the screen of your phone or PC, that is where you should always keep them.
If they pressure you, for any reason, point out that you are only 10 and they are much older than you and what they are allowed to do, you are not, because of your age and that you are easily hurt, because you don’t have the maturity to deal with issues that they can and they should be sensitive to your needs and support you through any crisis that you have – otherwise they are not much of a friend and how would they feel if roles were reversed and they were you, at the time what was said, was said.
Inevitably, in life, you always get someone who is different and you can say there “is always one in every crowd” and you have to make allowances for that and minimize your position, so that little can be learned about you, other than what you are prepared to say.
As a last resort, if you really get scared, speak to your mum, when your dad is not around and explain to her that you have issues you want help with and hopefully she will be able to be a buffer between you and whoever is looking for you online and get them to back off.
Good Luck – if you have any other “anonymous issues” you want to discuss here, if I can offer advice, I will try to do so.
Best Wishes

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