• 4 years ago

To: In the past few months I’ve seen some youtubers that I’ve watched when I was a teenager being cancelled for grooming and
Me: When you were younger, you were guided by what older people said and did around you and you reflected their behaviors as being acceptable and hence your own, based on their behaviors.
That is called “growing up” and finding your feet and deciding how you will be seen and heard by your peers and everyone behaves like you did, at one time or another and there is nothing for you to be ashamed about, for how you behaved back then.
But as you got older, your take on the world changed and your place in it, so you look back at how you were when you were younger and are sorry for the things you said and did back then.
That is called the growth of “maturity” and it is a necessary process for you to make sense of the world you live in and how you want to interact with it now.
The s***** behaviors of adults, years ago, have changed dramatically and what was relatively agreeable now is totally not and you, or they had no control of that – the Laws were passed for whatever reasons the politicians decided and whether you knew about those Laws or not, you were forced to make changes necessary or end up in prison, for what was acceptable back before, not being acceptable any more.
You did not make the mistake of having s** with under aged children, so you can move forward in your life that you did not cross any boundaries, which should never have been crossed and that should be OK with you.
However, do be aware that there is a cash payout for anyone who fingers an adult for indecent behavior when they were a kid and as many as 50% of prosecutions might be based on accusations for the payout, without the behaviors ever having occurred – all it takes is someone to say he did or she did, years before and that is sufficient for the Law to direct the Jury to find the accused automatically guilty irrespective of if they go to Trial or not, based on a child under the age of 18, not having the s***** maturity to know right from wrong and thus the accused is automatically guilty and punished accordingly.
There is no time limit on crimes like these and a person could be fingered years later and still get an automatic prison sentence, just as if whatever was said to have occurred, happening yesterday and the punishment is back dated to how the Law stood when the incidents were said to have occurred and the punishments prescribed back then, used to determine the punishment to be applied now.
If you can prove you were not wherever you were accused of being, at the time of the offense, at Trial, the Prosecution will shift the goal posts to a time when you were present, or you can’t confirm you were not and punish you anyway, for that new time span.
Let me put that another way: Anyone who has accusations made against them, inevitably end up in prison and there is nothing that can be done to avoid that.
In the Country where I live, whatever sums paid in Compensation, become the convicted persons debt to repay, once they are released from prison and a way to avoid paying that back, is to go bankrupt, which kills off any opportunity to get a loan for anything, ever again – but the debt against you, by the Compensation paid, goes in the bin, with every other debt you have – end of story.

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