• 4 years ago

To: It wasn’t me… I swear to GOD I didn’t do it… Me: Join the club mate. I was sentenced to 6 years in prison and served my full time to my release. My Accuser admitted, after my Jury Trial amd imprisonment to using a false identity and making false accusations against me, for the Compensation payout. According to a Lawyer who looked at my evidence, while I was in prison, he said: 100% False Swearing to the Police and 100% Perjury at my Jury Trial. What she admitted in signed dated letters to the Govt Dept, when replying to my own letters to her. She was later awarded $28,500 – which I was never made to repay – but everyone else was made to repay whatever was awarded against them, after their release from prison and I can’t do anything about it, because there is a Judges Ruling here, that 3rd Party Evidence cannot be used to overturn a conviction, where, in prison when I wrote a letter,(using my weekly stamp allowance – stamps held by the Screws, because no money allowed in prison) I was the 1st party, the Govt Department my letter went too, was the 2nd party and my Accuser was the 3rd party and when that person replied to my letters, she was the 1st party, the Govt Department was the 2nd party, and I was the 3rd party.
I can’t go overseas because of my conviction. I lost everything I had gathered from the past 50 years of my life, up to that point, as if it never existed, because as you know, when the police take you, they leave everything you had behind and it is gone. My lifetime secure Public Service job was gone, my friends, workmates, car, possessions (because I was single) the whole lot. I did my full time, which was 4 years with 2 years off for good behaviour. I earned a reputation in prison as a person to avoid and I earned respect and when I got out I got emergency accommodation and slept on the floor of my unit, because I had nothing but the clothes I was wearing, when I was put in prison and I restocked from Garage Sales, Swap Meets and 2nd Hand Shops, from my Govt Unemployment Benefit, after food, rent, electricity, gas, water and bus expenses. I don’t smoke or drink alcohol, so I had a bit of free money sometimes. It’s taken me the better part of 19 years to get over the dishonesty of my conviction. I suffer from Depression, now for the rest of my life, I have Psoriasis on my hands and my heals of my feet and have done for years, since my conviction and I can’t get my head around the dishonesty of my conviction and how 100% Perjury does not count, once a conviction has been made and I became a Type 2 Diabetic, I think, from the stress. On the up side, because I had done Citizenship here, I was not deported back where I came from, after my sentence, as every none Citizen was.
It gets easier to bear with time. Now it’s just a distant memory, like a book you read once, you can vaguely remember bits of the book, but not the whole lot. I discovered on Social Media that my Accuser died in 2012, although I don’t know how or why. S*** happens. Accept the situation, because you are powerless to change anything. Do your time as comfortably as you can and remember that what happened to you is not uncommon now and you got off light, compared with the amount of time I did, Brother – or Sister.
Best wishes – 2 years is nothing – barely have time to sit down and then you will be turfed out on your ear. Don’t keep a Calendar. Just let time pass you by and it will pass slowly at first and then before you know it, it will all be past. Keep your mouth closed on how you got there and have cloth ears to everything you hear and see about you.

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