• 5 years ago

To: I miss my ex. I did her wrong. Have been using alcohol for the past 2 years to numb my pain but no luck. Any advice?? TIA Me: Your ex has moved on with her life and found someone else to replace you. She won’t ever come back to you, as you must have realized by now. It takes 2 to make a relationship function and there is no guarantee in life that the relationship you think is perfect, will be the same for your partner. So time for you to move on. Alcohol is not a good thing and it will shorten your life appreciably, 55-65 if you continue using it and who wants an alcoholic. There are plenty more fish in the sea, go out there and meet more potential partners. Use the experiences of this previous relationship as your learning curve for the next one. Practice makes perfect and as I have often said in my other postings here, you are not alone. This is what life is all about and learning to be knocked over and getting back on your feet as quickly as possible and moving forwards to the next one. You acquire wisdom through personal pain and experience. Best wishes and I hope you find a new happiness soon……..

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