15 years

i only selected this certain category for my confession because it is the truth.. the sad truth from what i’ve seen over and over again. ok simply, what the hell happened to loyalty? between families, friendships and specifically relationships. seriously in the close circle of my acquaintances i know 3 people who are in serious relationships yet they cheated on their partners. im not here to judge and analyze, let them get with 100 people everyday for all i care, but why hurt someone who doesnt know about it? just break up with your gf/bf and do whatever you want. i dont know why im getting so angry at this since it doesnt effect me directly, but maybe cause i got cheated on and lied to b4 and i know how much it hurts. and now i believe that you shouldn’t really trust anyone. i know i sound like a bitter angry person but i need to let it out somewhere..

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