• 5 years ago

I have long been a government worker. several of the women that work in the office now have below average intelligence. they are not mentally retarded but they barely graduated high school. most cannot complete the simplest of tasks.

the number of errors theymake in a single day is staggering. records are routinelylost or misplaced. names misspelled. addresses entered incorrectly. notices failed to go out as required. so many basic simple functions that are simple never done properly, or must be redone over and over and overuntil they comply.

these mistakes are costly. Id estimate that the errors of a single one of these girls is well north of $1,000 to $1,500 a day. sometimes she makes $2,000 a day or $2,500 a day errors. she is never fired despite her gross incompetence. totally unrelated to her poor work performance she smokes cigarettes constantly. she refuses to try vaping. several of the other girls here are the same way. She said shes smoked since she was 14 and doesn’t care if she gets lung cancer. that wouldnt be a big deal but she is a 38 year old divorced mother of two, with a 19 year old and a 10 year old by different fathers. she is in bankruptcy for the second time and lives in a ratty trailer in the woods outside of town.

she makes $11 an hour. she has not had a raise in 4 years. when I ask if she cares that she doesnt have a raise she said no: beeuse her bankruptcy court order only allows her to keep $270 out of her paycheck every two weeks. I literally cannot fathom how she affords to smoke two packs of marlboros a day, much less how she affords to live

she must be on foodstamps or other government assistance

when people send her baby pictures she says she has baby fever and badly wants another child if she could just find another man

her last boyfriend abused her

for years she never left him

she only left him
when he got sent back to jail for meth

these are the government employees serving you

All Comments

  • So she has had a rough life, where she was abused constantly, she proberly smokes cigarettes to take away from the fact that she has a really shitty life. she’s onlt 38 and has been divorced, her last relationahip was with a meth head who was abusing her badly. I can say this, at least she is working and she hasn’t just given up and taken government hand outs.
    Does she have any friends? Hobbies? I feel sorry for her and like she is doing the best she can in a shitty situation.

    Anonymous April 24, 2019 2:48 pm Reply
  • That’s Affirmative Action in action!

    Anonymous April 24, 2019 6:20 pm Reply
  • How dare you.You are the retarded one. Shut up and get off your high horse.

    Anonymous April 24, 2019 11:53 pm Reply
    • He said she wasn’t technically mentally retarded

      Just that she barely graduated high school

      And was abused a lot

      Anonymous April 25, 2019 12:22 am Reply

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