Truth is I love him. I love my best friend’s boyfriend. The boy she has been going out with for the past two years. The boy who stole my first kiss when we were nine. The boy who shoved cake in my face when we thirteen. The boy who since then I’m very close with. I didnt mean for any of it to happen. But it did. And I dont regret it. I dont regret him kissing me and me kissing him back. I dont regret holding his hand under the table with his girlfriend on his other side. I dont regret missing out on a lot of my best friend’s weekend plans just to see him instead. Point is, he told me he was going to break with her. That he liked me too much to keep dating her. But I stopped him. Told him not to. Begged him not to actually. My best friend is crazy over this guy. And I cant bare to be the one to cause her that much pain. But then I realised that what I’m currently doing wasnt any better. I ended it. I ended whatever weird and sneaky relationship we had. He begged me not to. But I had to. I mean, I hope, pray and dream that one day we could really be together. But now is not that day. I have my best friend to think about.