15 years

Don’t you ever get sick of being the victim?
I do, I am sick of being the victim all my life. That’s why this year I have put it upon myself to be the aggressor about 10% of the time.
Yeah, am still a victim most of the time, but it gives life a whole different taste, when you are victim only most of the time and not all of it.
I was given notice that coming week will be my last at work. My retaliation for that is that am going to delete all the contracts I have ever done for the company, some of which the company hasn’t received the payments yet.
They think I’m not a valuable person in the organization, then they can do just fine without the money I made for them.
My ex once again gave me the non-verbal dump (one you can’t even get an explanation for because he’s not even talking to you, not even telling you its over).
I told him I will hack his email to check if he ever really applied for jobs for me like he promised, (that was the 1st time he calls me since Sunday!). I told him I wasn’t prepared to speak to him before he grows some balls. I also told him I cheated on him with 3 guys, and gave the numbers of 3 guys that I hate but wont leave me the f*** alone (I never really did it, these are guys I don’t even talk to). I told him they used to make fun of him, while they fucked me, and I found it entertaining.
I have been abusive to other guys before when its all over, and I feel like I got played, but every single time I did it, I had completely lost hope and was repelled by the guy.
I still love this one, I don’t know if I did the right thing.
I don’t think he believes me, because I have lied about this before.
Still; I hate this, this was supposed to make me feel good (it has before) instead here I am feeling like s***.

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