• 6 years ago

so last year I really started to become popular and I never had a boyfriend or any kind of crush. In my opinion I’m not very pretty and last year I got braces and I started to like this guy, which isn’t the best looking guy but it’s ugly in my opinion. so me and my (now ex) bestfriend would ask out our crushes one weekend together so I texted him and I stated that I liked him and apperently he liked me back and he asked me out and I said yes. We always hung out and always talked plus we had the same classes so it was great. We hung out all summer and texted constantly. One night one of my ex bestfriends texted him and lied to him and said I don’t love him and stuff. Well long story short we were 7 months strong and that night I was alseep. Therefore he believed her and thought I was ignoring him (I was sleeping) which made me cry which I had school with him the next day. The new school year came and we had no classes but he eventually started texting me again and we stared to talk and hang out all the time, we started dating again. It was perfect, well he stacted playing games and stopped texting me and hanging out, and I couldn’t trust him bc we didn’t have any classes together and I never knew what he was doing. So I broke up with hime (we had one month) so I started dating another guy and the original guy started texting me again and we called close to everyday like more than my boyfriend at the time. So I broke up with my (ex) boyfriend for this guy again. We started dating for like 2 months and my now bestfriends started to like him and my ex bestfriend from all the way from the start, started telling colin to break up with me for her, and he did it. We broke up and they were together. For 2 weeks we stopped talking and then we start talking while they are dating. And I started liking him again. So he broke up with her for me. And he texted me and did all the boyfriend like stuff for about 1 month and then he just stopped again. We dated for about 3 or 4 months. Then I broke up bc he would go weeks without texting me and I just couldn’t handle it. Well he never ended up stopped liking me so he kept on texting me and somehow he got me to date him again, except we are about 1 month or something and he texts me and we hang out and stuff, but heres the thing. One of my close friends told me that (we are calling this friend A) friend a was talking to him and he said I don’t even know why I’m dating him. So I asked where and when she heard it from. She said (we are calling this person friend B) friend b and so I texted friend b about this and she knows what I was talking about but she couldn’t remeber when so she said to ask (my original ex bestfriend ) and she said last week. What should I do? My bf says it’s not true and that they are just causing drama but I honestly believe them. Ugh

All Comments

  • Breakup, yall sound toxic asf, stop with the childish I love you games and break up with him for me blahblah shit, yall sound like 12 and 13 Yr Olds. Like if guys your age ain’t working look for older,

    Anonymous May 22, 2018 3:04 am Reply
  • Well, your social life sounds like a mess, so the best advive I can give you is simple: Drop everyone. These “friends” and “boyfriends” won’t last in the whole scheme of things, and it’s clear that you have a lot of growing up to do.

    Anonymous May 22, 2018 3:22 am Reply

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