• 4 years ago

idk when i started thinking this, but i think my aunt may be a pathological liar. she tends not to mix family with friends and that’s understandable. i’m not saying i don’t believe her when she talks about her friends or significant other, but it’s hard to when i’ve never met any of them.
there are times where she’ll tell me something and her story doesn’t really add up. she’s had a few inconsistencies when talking about her friends or her significant other. not only when talking about them, but also about other things as well.
overall, every time she talks about something or someone part of what she says doesn’t feel real.
i’ve told my mom about this, about how i feel like my aunts friends and her significant other aren’t real, and she told me she had the same theory. but that she discarded it bc she talks to my aunts friends and her significant other on facebook on a regular bases. i even had an extreme thought that maybe my aunt is behind those accounts, posing as her friends and significant other.
i don’t wanna believe this, this is just a theory but it’s been a big load on me and i needed to get it off my chest

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