• 6 years ago

All Comments

  • You say this so much it must be your last neuron on repeat

    Anonymous October 17, 2018 4:06 pm Reply
  • well gee isn’t generalizing a race really helping dig me and my fellow black men out of the rut that is our reputation hmm i wonder what else would help some genocide maybe?.. honestly fuck off kid i cannot stand you and the other brainless apes that agree with you, i genuinely want to rid the bullshit stigma non white people get from society and then people like you come along and destroy what little progress i can make, wouldn’t it be nice to live in a world where you hate someone for who they are instead of what race they were born into?

    if your not the OP and your reading this help out and post this comment

    repost this comment every time this asshole reposts about hating white people

    Anonymous October 17, 2018 5:03 pm Reply
  • Then sit the fuck down and quit crying!

    Anonymous October 17, 2018 6:36 pm Reply
  • Try to imagine the world without the inventions that white males invented. You’d be in the stone ages. Everything around you, everything in your life, was invented by a white male. Oh sure, you might claim, someone other than a white male invented “this” or “that” but they’re insignificant compared to the vast volume of inventions by white males. And usually, anything you can claim someone else invented, could not have been invented without the influence/contribution by a white male. So get over it. Instead of hating and criticizing whites, praise them, thank them, appreciate them. Educate yourselves.

    On a related note, your resentment is ignorant. An example, you might think I’ve just boasted how great white males are. Sure, they’ve accomplished a lot. But so have other races. But ya don’t hear whites complaining about it or resenting it. If someone of another race invents/contributes something, great, it elevates all of society/mankind. Electricity, the wheel, automobiles, iPhones, televisions, washer/dryers, the clock, roads, buildings, computers, whatever the invention, it benefits all of us. And tangent thought, ya don’t see white NFL players or NBA players whining that the NFL/NBA discriminates against white guys – because they look around them and know and say the NFL/NBA selects players by their capabilities. So should society. If it turns out, like with NBA/NFL, it’s majority black, so be it. I really doubt there’s a white superstar that was overlooked because of his skin color. Just as I doubt there’s a black person overlooked in the “regular” world because of his skin color, although I will recognize it might happen in some circumstances. But most the time, the name of the game is performance. If you show up to an interview with a “HATE WHITEY” t-shirt and a bone through your nose, you may not get hired. Enough said.

    Anonymous October 17, 2018 11:27 pm Reply

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