• 6 years ago

Who else think that marriage is biologically impractical? I mean, I can’t even think of eating the same food everyday. How can we spend our whole life with one same person when there are other tempting foods around?

Yeah, maybe there might be one dish we would like to have on a regular basis. Bread, rice, chapatti,etc. according to the different food cultures. But it’s not that we gotta stick to the same “regular” dish and not try any other dishes except that one dish. I hope you’re getting me.

In the same way, maybe yes, we might need that one person throughout our life, with whom we can share our everything, just like the food we like to have on a daily basis. But I don’t get why we ought to stick to the same person throughout our life, and if we don’t, it’s called ‘cheating’. It’s like the chapati eaters are compelled to chew their chapati, even when the most delicious pizza is kept on the table.This just doesn’t make sense.

And this is just an analogy between food and spouse. So hope I don’t get that “Whoa, how can you compare people with food?” comments.

All Comments

  • Based on the fact that you have that kind of mentality, i really hope you don’t get into relationships before you get rid of it. Also, when you meet that one person, you will understand.

    Anonymous May 19, 2018 6:05 pm Reply
  • Couldn’t see spending my life’ with you definitely not with you a dozen strudels yes you no

    Anonymous May 21, 2018 3:58 am Reply

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