• 6 years ago

For some reason I feel like I am 2 different people sometimes, even 3. One second I’ll be someone else with an entire personality or change in clothes and attitude. My accent in my voice will even switch or change, and my energy levels go from high to low. I get yelled at by my mom even for it. But I don’t know how to stop it or control it. It’s even worse in social situations. Because I just feel like I don’t even know that person anymore. Or myself. And I’m scared of myself. And everything. I honestly just feel scared of almost everything, life, death, suicide. I’ve thought about doing it multiple times. I want to die, but I’m scared of the unknown. I want to live but I’m scared of the future and of not knowing what natural death feels like. I’m scared of suicide, because what would happen to my loved ones and parents? I don’t want to hurt them. So I live. And I’m scared of not seeing my future though.

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