15 years

My sister cares about what someone on the Playstation 3 Network thinks about her. This person started to like fall in over the PS3 and my sister went along with it as a joke, or what I thought was a joke. Now she gets mad whenever I call the guy a pathetic creep and things of the sort. I find it rather ridiculous, because we both made fun of people who “date” online. We used to be like best friends, but now the sight of her disgusts me.
Every time I go into her room she is messaging this person, like not normal “hey, how are you?” messages, I mean like full blown love messages. Oh, geez. It is unbelievable.
The worst part is, she’s actually thinking about/wanting to/is going to go move in with the guy. And he lives like 1,000 miles away, no joke.
I am writing this because I can’t tell anyone in my family. I don’t want to embarrass her. But, if she really does leave, I will tell everyone.
I needed to get it out some way, and this was the way.
And I probably sound like total b**ch, but you guys don’t even know the half of it.

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