• 4 years ago

Can you guys do me a favour and spam every country’s leader about the Australian Fires and to send their army to help- Because no other countries are helping despite being filled with thousands of soldiers & special forces. We are literally letting Australia burn and doing f*** all about s***.
Even Millionaires are doing their bit and one individual funded $53 million for the people who lost their homes. Why aren’t anyone else?

Most of the nation are part of NATO so wtf are we doing? It’s p****** me off so bad!

Just do me a favour & SPAM every political leader in the world and question why they aren’t sending help and if the country is going to help. People messaged Iran & Trump about not starting WorldWar3 so why not about a f****** fire!?

Do me a favour:
-Plant Trees, Flowers, any Plants & eat less meat since overpopulation
-If you see any plastic or rubbish out it in recycling or bin
-Don’t burn fuels
-Walk or cycle whenever you can to places without using car
-Take a bus to reduce amount of CO2 released
-Message world leaders & famous people to help
Support Mr Beast
-Use OceanHero & Ecosia to help plant trees & remove plastic by using their search engine
-Share this with people to spread awareness
-Help others and be kind
-Avoid using plastic whenever you can, instead use metal and bio-degradable

Hope you can spread this. If your bored or a troll, wind some presidents and Prime Ministers up and spam their twitter with this message lol I’m encouraging it that’s right,

Well I’ve said my piece,
~Jess out!
(Irelle you’ll recognise me if you read this so hi lmao XD)

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  • Preach ^

    Anonymous January 11, 2020 7:50 pm Reply

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