15 years

I’m in love with my gay best friend. He’s been my best friend for six years now and he knows i love him. He says he’s tried to make himself love me because he knows the pain it puts me through to be his best friend and nothing more, to see him almost every day with his boyfriend and wear a smile, not complain. I do wish that we could be together, but I don’t ever want him to force himself into anything. As long as he is happy, I will cope with my feelings. He doesn’t have to be with me. I’d never ask it of him. As long as he’s there and continues to be my best friend, I’ll be fine. Yes, it hurts to know he can never love me, but him just being there for me is enough. It will most likely hurt every day of my life, and I’ll take that pain as long as I can continue to see him. Maybe I’m just masochistic, but I do love him. I’ve tried to make myself stop loving him, but I can’t. And even if I could, I don’t want to.

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