• 5 years ago

I hate myself so much. I have all of this facial hair and especially as a girl I feel like I have to get rid of it. It’s shattered my confidence and made me depressed. I sometimes wonder why I was born to feel like this. Does it even make a difference if I was alive or not?

All Comments

  • Of course it matters, and there are ways to have facial hair removed permanently. Do you have hair other places, like on your chest above, between your breasts? I would get that removed also if you do.

    Anonymous November 1, 2018 10:32 pm Reply
    • Everywhere. Literally everywhere. I can’t even walk out of the house because of it. Yet my parents don’t let me get rid of it. Apparently I’m too young. They don’t understand that everyone has laser treatment. But I can’t even do that cause it’s too expensive. I’m tempted to kill myself at this point. People don’t understand how much self-image affects a person.

      Anonymous November 1, 2018 10:49 pm Reply
      • I want to sleep one day and never be able to wake up.

        Anonymous November 1, 2018 10:51 pm Reply
  • Why don’t you find of those electronic hair remover things? Do they work? Problem solved

    Anonymous November 1, 2018 11:04 pm Reply
  • I have the same problem. If I were you I’d get your hormones tested. I have a hormone imbalance (high androgen levels) and it can cause more hair growth in females. On the face and other areas. I know how depressing it can be but please dont kill yourself. It can be fixed over time. I’m not a doc so I say see a professional but ive read up on it and experience it! It could be a few different things. There’s always a chance it’s your ethnicity. But health wise, PCOS is a possibility. Or You could also get your thyroid checked. Thyroid problems lead to hormonal imbalances. Birth control can help increase estrogen and prevent new growth. Laser treatments helped with my upper lip! It used to grow in much more frequently and now it’s a lot better. As for my chin and neck i’m still working on it but with each treatment you’ll see improvement. The treatments take time though. Id say theyre worth it. I’d reason with your parents about at least letting you shave other parts of your body like legs if that’ll help make you more comfortable. Wishing you well. Lots of love.

    Anonymous November 1, 2018 11:32 pm Reply

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