15 years

There’s this guy who’s been my friend for the past year. he’s a lot unlike me, and i was continually wondering how we became such good friends. I’m not like the girls here, i’m more of a tomboy, and i don;t really like wearing my emotions on my sleeve. and this guy looks like one of those ppl ready to beat up anyone in their way, or something, but in reality he’s a big softie. he melts if i yell at him or forget to say goodnight on the phone. a really big softie. we used to sms each other a lot, and he always ended the conversation with a GOodnight, Luv u. i figured that was just friendly, cos even though he tells me i’m really important to him, and all that, he’s also raving about the girl he’s in love with, who happens to have rejected him and is dating his friend.he always used to tell me that he wants our relationship to be platonic and i accepted that gladly, because i don’t think i could stand being in a relationship with him, i’d probably kill him, cos he takes even the smallest careless thing i say straight to heart. but sometimes i felt like he was using me as a replacement for that other girl. and then he’d say something nice, and i’d curse myself for being a b****. somehow we gradually began talking less. both of us withdrew into ourselves a bit. and he began grumbling about how i never talk, when all he wanted me to do in the beginning was listen to him.now we’ve both returned to college after the holidays, when we’d been rather out of touch. once i came online and he was there, and he told me something along the lines of ‘I’m feeling really lonely, i really need you here.’i came back hoping to meet him right away. but i’ve been here a week, and he hasnt spoken to me once. he was online once and i said hi, but he didnt go beyond the barest civilities, and signed off soon…and annoyed as i could be with him being so blatantly emotional, i realise i miss him. a lot. and my pride tells me not to go begging him to talk to me again, cos i’m certain i’ve done nothing wrong. but i dont like losing friends, and it doesnt feel good when he walks past me pretending i dont exist.
Advice, please?

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