• 6 years ago

Since i was little maybe 7 yo, my old brother, 8years older than me started abusing me physically, he’s such a bad person with me and my 2 other sisters, and also with my mom, i would get slapped, my hair pulled until he has all my hair in his hand, swollen lips and eyes, he will hit me until he’s satisfied or my mom comes in his way, I grew up in such a male inviorment which means that women supposed to do everything for the male, husband or brother if they say something u have to do it, and since i was little this idea never made sence to me, that’s why whenever i talk about my issues everybody will say ” he will hit you and let anybody else do it ” , ” he loves you thats why he does what he does” , ” he’s your brother he can do whatever he wants because he’s a man ” so anyways , i started standing for myself and started hitting him back, now i’m 19 and i always have these dark dreams about killing him and blood all over me, stabbing him with knifes, and i always wakeup wanting to do it in real life, i wanna move so i won’t see him again , but as i said earlier, i can’t because i’m a woman, what a world we live in .

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