I have borderline personality disorder, coupled with a tonne of other mental health problems. These problems cause me to lie, alot. I’ve lied my whole life and never told anyone but I need to come clean to someone.
It started off when I lied about a man trying to pull me into his car when I was a kid. The police got involved and everyone believed me. I wasted other peoples time and never told anyone I made it up. I did it to get attention, mainly off my Dad who was an abusive father. I lied by telling everyone who I went to school with that my best friend from another town killed himself and it was my fault for abandoning him. Again I did this for attention. I used to work in a pharmacy and stole £3000 from the tills over the space of a year and blamed it on my Dad because he said I owed him money and wanted it back. I got caught and arrested but got off lightly with community service and a fine. I pretended to have a job that I didn’t actually have and was getting paid loads of money which I didn’t and did this for 14 months. This lie got out of control and I ended up trying to kill myself because of the lie. I left my wife for another woman and was apart from her for 8 months living with this other woman who I didn’t even like in the slightest and still loved my wife. I did this because the voice in my head said it was the best option. My wife never knew and still doesn’t know about the other woman and we are now back together and have been fine for the last 7 years. I had a mental break down whilst living with this other woman and had to be sectioned for a while. I worked an admin job for 15 months but didn’t actually do anything during the time I was employed. They eventually dismissed me on incapability because I sent 3 emails to the 4000 people who work for the council telling them some crazy random shit and quoting Dante and Edgar Allan Poe.
I’ve cheated on every girlfriend I’ve ever had and basically I’m a piece of shit but I’m also a coward who is never going to kill myself because I’m such a coward. I want to fuck my sister in law and even now I want an affair.
So, like I said, I’m a huge piece of shit.

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