• 3 years ago

It IS The VACCINATED That Are Filling Up The Hospitals AND DYING!

The so-called “vaccine” is NOT a vaccine. It is a Kill Shot! The FULLY Vaccinated are filling the hospitals and dying as a result of taking the Kill Shot. Facui, Gates and their organizations like the CDC can’t admit the truth and so they direct the hospitals to falsify the records and report that the deaths are in the UN-vaccinated. Why do they want EVERY man, woman and child to be vaccinated?

What happened to we only need two weeks to flatten the curve? Or we only need 30% to achiever “Herd Immunity”. They keep moving the Goal Posts.

It Is the VACCINATED who are dying: “75% of August COVID Deaths in Scotland Were Among the Double-Jabbed.”
LINK: ht tps://anti-empire.co m/the-epidemic-of-the-unvaccinated-75-of-august-covid-deaths-in-scotland-were-among-the-double-jabbed/

TOTAL FRAUD: CDC allows hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “un-vaccinated deaths”.
LINK: ht tps://vaccinedeaths.co m/2021-09-17-cdc-hospitals-classify-dead-vaccinated-as-unvaccinated.html

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