You were always the popular girl

  • 10 years ago

You were always the popular girl in school. Your family was wealthy and you were always the best at everything. You had great grades. You were brilliant. You were beautiful. You were the head cheerleader, the girl all the guys wanted to be with and the girl all the girls wanted to be. You were the most popular girl in school… and to my great shock, you were also always friendly and sweet to everyone. I’ll never forget that day that we did a gift exchange Christmas party type thing in school and no one brought a gift for me because I was the weird girl, the social outcast, the loser who just happened to get placed in the gifted class with all the preps. You were wearing a little beaded bracelet that I guess you had made at church or something… but you gave it to me. You saw me sitting there alone and friendless and you reached out to me.

Now years later I see on your facebook that you’re married to a doctor, you’re STILL beautiful, and you just had your second child. You have a beautiful house and you look totally happy. You’re still perfect. I guess now you’re just the perfect mom and wife.

Im happy for you but at the same time I feel jealous. I know I shouldn’t because you deserve your happiness and you are thankful for it, but I still wish it was me. Am I still living in poverty because I was born into it? Am I just too weak to break out of it?

Well… I wish you all the best. We were never really friends, but I will always remember that day you made me feel like someone actually cared. My issues are my own.

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  • This touched my heart!

    Anonymous June 6, 2017 1:46 am Reply

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