Yesterday I was on the phone

  • 10 years ago

Yesterday I was on the phone with a member of my family whom I HATE because he did terrible, terrible things a number of years ago. (He should have gone to prison, in a just world.) He was whining on and on about his feet and legs and how his circulation is crap and his feet are always numb and how much they hurt . . . and all I could think was, GOOD!!!! Then I felt guilty because I was sure God wouldn’t like my feeling so angry and vengeful . . . and then I just thought GOOD again, I hope your f****** legs fall right off. And all the time I was being all polite and chatty on the phone. And I got off the phone and started actually laughing because I was so outrageously happy over the a******’s pain. I hope his legs hurt like hell for the rest of his worthless life.

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