When I was young, we had

  • 10 years ago

When I was young, we had this neighbor who we would call out to play occasionally who had a mental disorder.. Majority of the time I feel we were nice to her! But one of the only memories I have of playing with her is when we told her we were going to play hide and seek and she was the counter. She stood by a basketball pole and started counting with her eyes shut. My friend and I jumped out of the bushes with a jump-rope and ran circles around her, tieing her to the post. When she was secured, we squashed a fart bomb by her and went to hide. x__x” Hide and seek..

I don’t know If I really knew she was mentally disabled, I’m fairly positive I didn’t even realize something was off about her. She was just my big tall friend who didn’t use full sentences. Thinking back on it though I feel so bad for doing that to the poor girl. But I think that’s how we all played in the coldesac. There was about 10 – 11 kids in that circle! And we would all play with each other. We’d pull a lot of pranks on each other too. I remember being lead into a dark blanket tunnel to find gummy bears glued to a wall. BUT IT WAS A TRAP. And I was caught all day.. BUT I had gummy bears!

Well I guess it wasn’t all so bad that we did that.. I mean, she didn’t pull many pranks of her own to get us back(I don’t think she really knew how) but we did ask her to play as a friend and not as a target for target practice. Oh yeah! I remember going to her house somedays and she had many many cats and played the piano very well. My friend Chris and I would play barbies with her too.

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