This girl, this f****** girl. That’s

  • 10 years ago

This girl, this f****** girl. That’s all she was supposed to be a girl. But from the first time I saw her I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I eventually became best friends with her. I told her everything and anything about myself she knows every single thing about me. and she did the same I know everything her favorite color The way she feels about things her dreams her thoughts right down to the 2 songs she wants to get married too.It makes no sense I have ADHD but everything about her sticks like glue to my head while everything else I remember for minutes or hours and it slips. Ended up hooking her up with my friend. I got into a relationship, had other love interests but she never left my head every time I think about her my body goes crazy I just can’t get her out of my head. Years passed got into high school I finally dated her but broke up with a girl I loved.(well I think is love) When I dated her it was bliss, everyday was amazing I looked forward to seeing her . But I missed my other and went back to her.Why is this so hard? I’m only in high school. I hope to god I don’t love her. but When I think of her Its like the feeling that when my food is coming. like my body and heart need her. but I don’t want to break up with my other. I need her too. I just want my other but years have passed again now I’m a senior I’ve been obsessed with that girl for 5 years. It ca’t be love right? I’m too young. no way. You know its funny they tell you it’s going to be great to get older, its a lie and I’m pretty sure I’m too young to be saying things like this but I don’t know what to do anymore I can’t stop thinking of her and I just want to forget about her, and go on with my life. But I cant.

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