Sometimes, I don’t know what to

  • 10 years ago

Sometimes, I don’t know what to do with my life, i feel like it’s boring, it’s too late to start anything exciting that i want to do. I’ve been watching the Winter Olympics h******* so far this year, as well as 4 years ago. I didn’t think much of wanting to become an athlete 4 years ago, when i was 11. But now that i’m watching it this year i REALLY want to be in the olympics, it’s literally all i’ve been thinking about for the past couple days, i’m sitting here thinking about what i’ve done with my life so far, nothing. I’d have no chance in becoming a prodigy in anything, as it’s basically way to late to start practicing for any Olympic sport. I’ve just been sitting here, depressed, thinking, even went into tears thinking i’ll be a nobody forever, there’s nothing special about me. I honestly don’t know what to do, I would like to do something like Downhill Skiing if i were ever in the winter olympics, i’ve been thinking about buying a season pass at our local place. But the season is basically over, which makes me more upset, knowing that i’d have to think about it for a whole year. I don’t want to be a simpleton, i want to stand out and do something people would remember me for. But there is one upside, i’ll have my Drivers license soon, then i can drive myself to go skiing, but that will make me think about wanting to skiing even more :/ Even if there is basically no chance of going to the olympics, i want to try anyways, but i’ll probably be old before i’d ever become good enough which makes me upset 🙁

All Comments

  • You are never too old until you’re dead. No one expects you to just wait for death after a certain point in your life, so you must do something now. Go to the Olympics even if you don’t win gold, just do it. List out everything you want to be and strive to achieve it. Fuck those who judge you for your age; you are never too old until you’re dead, don’t waste the rest of your life with regret!

    Anonymous February 23, 2014 6:40 pm Reply
  • Beautiful

    Anonymous February 23, 2014 6:50 pm Reply

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