I’ve had a relationship with a

  • 11 years ago

I’ve had a relationship with a misanthrope. Sounds silly, I know, but their general apathy towards other humans, human interaction, and most of the human world in general leads me to this conclusion.
‘Wherefore, then, didst thou court them? and wherefore courtedth they thee?’ I hear you cry. Well, initially, their apparent nonchalance, aloofness and highly topic based discussions made them seem very intriguing. They are also very, very pretty (in my view). Further in, as I got to know them, it turned out we shared a lot of interests and could talk endlessly about them. I think their interest in fiction and wild fantasy is what keeps them sane in a world surrounded by those they despise.
As for the latter, that is less clear to me, you’ll have to ask them. They do not enjoy those adorable moments of silence which are stereotypical to most relationships. Those must be filled, or they become cold and cruel. They will not pander to any display of helplessness, nor will they engage in aimless smalltalk or horseplay. These things pretty much disgust them. I think the reason that they became interested in me was that I was often highly on my guard whilst with them, so I tended to be quite curt and relevant in my speech and manner, which they liked.
To wrap this up, it is possible to court a misanthrope. It was a pretty exciting experience for me, it really gets your adrenaline rushing and doesn’t allow you to take your partner for granted, EVER. It is tiring though, and I think it would be a Herculean feat to spend a lifetime with a misanthrope.

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