I want to be a housewife.

I want to be a housewife. I don’t have to have a job outside of the home. I just want to live to please. I want to cook, clean, take care of the family, and do everything that’s expected from a housewife.
I don’t feel right in college. I’m trying to convince myself that I can do something with this degree I’m striving for, but I want nothing to do with it and it just seems like a waste of time.
I need to find someone who needs someone around the house. I can make enough money online to live alone, so living with someone shouldn’t be a problem financially.
I don’t even need to be romantically involved with the person. I just want to do everything around the house and please them. Even a roommate will do.
I can’t believe this is my dream future.

All Comments

  • Sounds like a dream tbh. Would love to live that kind of life.

    Anonymous May 2, 2014 4:26 pm Reply
  • Cob homes, aquaponics, self sustaining, off grid, and going back to the old way. You should take a peek into that kind of stuff, you might like it!

    Anonymous May 3, 2014 1:11 am Reply
  • For what it’s worth, feminism means the equal right to choose. You have the freedom to choose what you want for yourself, and if it’s traditional or if it’s modern, it’s a freely made choice. My girlfriend’s the same way–dreams of having a morning part time job to help out and earn a little spending money so when I get back from work she can be in a 40s-60s styled dress, sit on my lap, dinner in the oven, etc, clean and warm my bed and etc, all the traditional Americana stuff–and while it’s a little hard to get used to the idea that going back to the old ways is OK (as long as it’s voluntary) as long as we’re happy with our freely-made choices and don’t hurt anybody else with them then what business is it of anybody else’s to say no?

    The trick is finding somebody who will appreciate you and not just take everything for granted, be that romantic or platonic affection, and to make sure that you do have some kind of connection or at least deep and rewarding friendship. This helps keep things on an even keel emotionally for both parties.

    Good luck with your future, OP, it may not be right for some but it’s right for you, moral, and legal, and you’re not pressured into it, so pretty much to hell with the haters.

    Anonymous May 3, 2014 5:09 pm Reply

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