I used to cut myself and

  • 10 years ago

I used to cut myself and someone saw me and told my parents. I resent them whole-hearted for that. Anyway, I was forced to stop and asked if I wanted to go to some therapy. I am awful with emotions and I don’t like talking about them and they build up, hence the cutting. So, naturally, I said no. But to be honest, I really want to tell someone how much it hurts to feel the ways I did and still do. I want to tell someone how I felt the need to cut so I could give myself a reason to be sad and feel empty. I want to say these things so I can feel some sort of attention and love. When it really boils down to it though, I want someone to love me for who I am, not just because they are my family or “friends”. I need someone who is stable to help support me, the emotionally unstable, needy person I am.

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  • *HUGS* I can relate to a lot of what you say…and I wish I could give you what you need-you deserve it! You are worthy, and I hope someday someone can make you see that. Lots of love.

    Anonymous June 30, 2014 1:44 pm Reply

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