I talked to my half sister “

  • 10 years ago

I talked to my half sister “M” earlier today. My mom gave her up for adoption 44 years ago. (We have the same biological mother but different fathers.) She contacted my mom and I when I was 18. I’m 38 now. I feel kind of bad that “M’s” adoptive parents keep her around basically as a housekeeper while they travel away their retirement. “M” doesn’t do much work because of her health problems.
My sister (I just conider her a sister not “half sister”) told me what our mom told her about her father. She knows the story as mom just had a one night stand and got pregnant and that mom didn’t keep much contact with the man. My mom had heard that he passed away.
I know I’m not ever supposed to tell “M” that actually my sick f*** alcoholic uncle raped my mom and that’s how “M” was conceived. My sick f*** alcoholic uncle verbally abused his 2 sons and made their lives hell. I don’t know if he ever realized that he got my mom pregnant. He passed away in his mid 40s from a stroke. He pretty much deserved it.

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