I lost my virginity at age

  • 10 years ago

I lost my virginity at age 14. I used to regret it but now I’m not so bothered. The past is the past. However, when the guy I lost it to broke up with me, I told him and a few others he made me pregnant and I had a miscarriage. I never expected the lie to go as far as it did but now pretty much everyone knows. Almost 10 years on, the lie hasn’t been mentioned in a good few years but it’s still there. People still know me as the girl who had a miscarriage at 14. He still thinks it’s true. He even told his mum when it ‘happened’. I used to be scared it would make its way to my mum but now I don’t care, if she finds out I’ll just say it was a ridiculous rumor. Although the fear of someone bringing it up is still there. I am scared he will bring it up one day. I used to tell people the lie, to get sympathy. Every boyfriend I had, I would tell him. I didn’t tell the person I am with now. Although I feel like I want to tell him the truth. Tell him about the lie and what it did to me. I have never, ever told anyone the truth before. And it scares me that I am with someone who I feel I can confide in.

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