I continuously dream about a red

  • 10 years ago

I continuously dream about a red eyed tree frog that hovers around me while i carry an egg on a spoon. I walk over a trench that has no bottom, a leg on each side and i can’t drop the egg or something bad will happen. I don’t know what will happen but i know it is bad. So i walk up and down the trench while this frog speaks to me, taunting, japing and always knowing what i am about to say. Each time i reach the other side i get a new spoon with a new egg from the frog’s mouth and after i have like ten i drop them. I begin to panic and then i ask the frog what is going to happen and it says “Frogs don’t speak you knuckle head.” Then i wake up in a cold sweat shaking and terrified. Wierd i know but that is my nightmare.

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