a few years ago I was

  • 11 years ago

a few years ago I was ill with an infection, I don’t know how it happened but I had a glass of this rotten red wine that tasted disgusting anyway, after a scotch drink and I was so violently ill I sent the night in a bad way. I passed out crying …in my mothers bed, near chocked several times on vomit and I must have been throwing up all night. what started out as an innocent sip became greater (I swear the wine was laced with something foul)… this minor thing of a few drinks ended a disgraceful act that should not have taken place being ill and on medication. my mother had to hold my head all night in a bucket and tap me on the face to m*********** to. I recall struggling to breath and I felt like I had to fight like hell to keep living. I felt like I was drifting in and out of a stupor all night which was crazy.

never again will I do that stupid thing.

every now and then I have half a glass of wine but that is about my limit.

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