
  • 9 years ago

I know I’m gonna sound ungrateful and spoiled but one of the worst feelings imo is getting gifts you dont like for your birthday. It is 2nd to getting nothing.

You know its gonna be a rotten gift when the person apologizes beforehand. I told her just get me a 10 dollar PSN card if you cant find anything or afford anything. I tell her repeatedly.

I’m not feminine. I am not saying I look butch but I am an au natural girl. I am a plain bar of soap and $1 generic perfume girl. I dont need dozens of shoes, perfumes, lotions, and what have you. Chances are I wont even use them. Flowers are even worse. Dont even.

So what do I get? A box of creams of some sort and leggings. She even said sorry before-hand a wrote a letter. I feel bad for feeling disappointed but I am. Chances are a 10 dollar PSN card would have cost less or it would have at most been 5 dollars more. At most.

I’m a gamer. I am into gaming big time. I do not care about makeup, jewelry, shoes, or perfume. I would buy a game before I would buy a new pair of shoes. I would rather wear old clothing for years than waste it on clothes when it could go to my gaming. But my family consistently gets me feminine presents. I am so tired of the forced smiles. 10 dollar psn card. Call it a day. Thats it. I’d be thrilled. I’m gonna order myself a game to ease the disappointment. Probably Pier Solar. Get my old school on.

I know, I know. You spoiled brat. I am just being honest. I’m disappointed. I cant help but feel that way.

All Comments

  • We could be related!!! What worked for me was to lower my expectations of others. Instead of asking for a $10.00 PSN card, tell them that you don’t want any gifts. People will often buy gifts that catches their interest and it becomes overrated in no time. They don’t want to get a PSN card for you likely bc it would take the surprise out of it and people try to hard to be creative. I even make it clear to my husband that I don’t want any gifts.

    Anonymous December 19, 2014 8:17 pm Reply

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