• 6 years ago

I’m so jealous of my ex-best friend. We used to play a game called “Melee” together, and we went to tournaments and it was a huge part of my life, and we were both pretty good. We were teenagers, but the scene is mainly college students/adults. I stopped playing competitively but I still follow the scene, but she went on to get really good and she’s still getting better. Everyone here in NC treats her like some kind of goddess for being a “child-prodigy” but I knew that if I tried to be as good as her I could, but I can’t bring myself to keep playing. Every time I hold a controller it just makes me think of the fame and praise she’s getting for being a pretty good player who has a flashy play style and is young. Everything I’ve done since has been to out-do her in some way or another, and I feel like I’ve lost control of my life. This is the first time I’ve really been outdone in something that I knew I could have achieved, and every day it eats me up. If anyone has any advice on how to get over this jealousy, I’m desperate.

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