• 7 years ago

Yet again here i am. My wife, once more, refuses to acknowledge i love her for some non understandeable reason.

Sure, i have lied about many subjects my whole life as a means of protection, but i have never liednto her about this. I love her and i find her beautiful. She is so insecure bout her appearance that she simply refuses tp believe me. It hurts. It hurts a lot… Im sure she is going through a lot woth her insecurities ans our sort of constant fighting, but i love her, and im not going anywhere.

Some part of me thinks that she is testing me or.something, but would she do something like that? Why wouldn’t she simply come to me and talk about whatever is bothering her? I feel like she doesn’t think she can count on me… It hurts. I dont want it to hurt. I just want everything to be okay so we can be happy.

I looked at some girls picture on twitter, said she was ugly (cause she really was, like, a lot) and showed her a detail i thought tk be some bizarre.piercing onher eyelid. Piercings freak me out, and i simply showed it to her and she went all like”you want to hook up with her or something”?

What the f***? I didnt do anything. And now we sort of fought because she made fun pf me for it.

I really love her, and it hurts way deeper than she realizes whenever she questions my love.

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